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Awareness of our consciousness creates our reality...

Have you ever wondered what reality is? Is it something that exists independently of our perception, or is it a product of our minds? How do we know what is real and what is not? These are some of the questions that philosophers, scientists, and mystics have been asking for centuries. In this blog post, I want to explore the idea that reality is a visualization of consciousness.

What do I mean by that? Well, imagine that you are dreaming. In your dream, you see a beautiful landscape, hear a soothing music, feel a gentle breeze, and smell a fragrant flower. Everything seems so real and vivid, right? But then you wake up and realize that none of it was actually there. It was all created by your mind, based on your memories, emotions, and imagination. Your mind projected a virtual reality onto your awareness, and you experienced it as if it was real.

Now, what if I told you that the same thing happens when you are awake? What if the reality that you perceive with your senses is also a projection of your mind, based on your beliefs, expectations, and assumptions? What if your consciousness is the source of everything that you experience, and reality is just a visualization of it?

This may sound crazy, but there are some reasons to consider this possibility. For one thing, science has shown that our senses are not reliable sources of information. They can be easily fooled by illusions, hallucinations, and biases. For example, when you look at a rainbow, you see different colors, but those colors are not really there. They are created by your brain, based on how it interprets the light waves that reach your eyes. The same goes for other sensory phenomena, such as sounds, tastes, smells, and touch. They are all subjective interpretations of objective stimuli.

Another reason to question the reality of our perception is the fact that we do not experience the world directly, but through a filter of our thoughts and feelings. We constantly construct and reconstruct our reality based on our mental models and narratives. We assign meanings and values to things that may not have any inherent significance. We create stories and identities that shape our sense of self and reality. We judge and evaluate everything according to our preferences and standards. We filter out what does not fit our worldview and focus on what confirms it.

In other words, we do not see things as they are, but as we are. We project our inner world onto the outer world, and then we mistake the projection for the reality. We confuse the map with the territory, the symbol with the thing itself.

But what if we could see beyond our projections? What if we could access a deeper level of reality that is not dependent on our perception? What if we could experience reality as it is in itself, without any filters or distortions?

This is what some spiritual traditions call enlightenment or awakening. It is the state of consciousness where one realizes that one is not separate from reality, but one with it. It is the state where one sees through the illusion of duality and recognizes the unity of all existence. It is the state where one transcends the ego and identifies with the true self, which is pure awareness.

In this state, reality is no longer a visualization of consciousness, but a manifestation of it. Reality is no longer something that happens to us, but something that we create with our consciousness. Reality is no longer something that we observe from a distance, but something that we participate in intimately.

How can we achieve this state of consciousness? There are many paths and practices that can help us in this quest, such as meditation, yoga, prayer, contemplation, art, music, service, love, etc. The key is to cultivate a mindset of openness, curiosity, humility, gratitude, compassion, and joy. The key is to let go of our attachments, expectations, judgments, and fears. The key is to be present in the here and now.

Reality is a visualization of consciousness. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for us. A challenge because it means that we have to take responsibility for our reality and how we experience it. An opportunity because it means that we have the power to change our reality and how we experience it.

What kind of reality do you want to create? What kind of reality do you want to experience?

The choice is yours. 


Sedona, Arizona USA

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