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Discover Your Leadership Style: Are You a Leader or a Follower?

Do YOU blindly adopt the views and values of others, or do you think for yourself? Many people are trapped in their own minds, constantly bombarded by thoughts that prevent them from seeing the truth. 

Are you living by your own convictions or by the expectations and opinions of others? When you learn to free yourself from the constant chatter in your mind, you will stop caring about what others think and start living authentically. This is your true nature, to have a peaceful mind that can see reality as it is, without the biases and distortions of your thoughts. 

Reality is not what you think it is, but what you experience directly in the present moment. To experience reality, you need to be aware of your thoughts, senses, your emotions, and your actions. You need to pay attention to what is happening here and now, without judging or reacting. To let go of your past and future worries and focus on the present moment which is mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and aware of your experience, without being distracted or overwhelmed by it. Mindfulness helps you to develop a calm and clear mind, that can perceive the reality compassionately. The benefits of mindfulness LEADERS are numerous and proven. 

Some of them are:

- Improved mental health

- Reduced stress and anxiety

- Enhanced emotional regulation and resilience

- Increased focus and concentration

- Better decision making and problem solving

- Greater creativity and insight

- Higher self-esteem and self-compassion

- More positive relationships and communication

Leadership requires emotional regulation which is the ability to manage your emotions in a healthy and appropriate way. It involves recognizing, understanding, expressing, and regulating your emotions in response to different situations. Emotional regulation helps you to cope with challenges, overcome difficulties, and achieve your goals. Emotional regulation also helps you to avoid emotional extremes, such as anger, sadness, fear, or being overwhelmed, which all impair your functioning and well-being. 

Some examples of follower's emotional extremes are:

- Rage: a state of intense anger that can lead to aggression, violence, or self-harm.

- Depression: a state of persistent low mood that can lead to hopelessness, helplessness, or suicidal thoughts.

- Panic: a state of sudden fear that can lead to physical symptoms, such as racing heart, sweating, trembling, or difficulty breathing.

- Euphoria: a state of excessive happiness that can lead to irrational behavior, such as impulsivity, risk-taking, or delusions.

One of the many challenges of leading a group of followers is dealing with their emotional fluctuations. Followers tend to have massive mood swing changes that affect their performance, motivation, and satisfaction. Sometimes, they may feel enthusiastic and optimistic, while other times, they may feel frustrated and pessimistic. These mood swings can be triggered by a range of factors, such as feedback, expectations, goals, conflicts, or stress. As a leader, it is important to understand the causes and consequences of these mood swings, and to adopt strategies to manage them effectively. Some of the strategies include:

- Providing clear and consistent communication: Followers need to know what is expected of them, how they are doing, and what they can do to improve. A leader should communicate frequently and transparently with the followers and provide constructive feedback and recognition. This will help to reduce uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety among the followers, and to increase their confidence and trust.

- Setting realistic and challenging goals: Followers need to have a sense of direction and purpose in their work. A leader should set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART), and that align with the vision and mission of the organization. These goals should also be challenging enough to stimulate the followers' interest and creativity, but not too difficult to discourage them. A leader should monitor the progress of the followers and help them overcome any obstacles or difficulties.

- Resolving conflicts and promoting collaboration: Followers need to have a positive and supportive work environment. A leader should prevent or resolve any conflicts that may arise among the followers or between the followers and the leader. A leader should also encourage collaboration and teamwork among the followers and foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie. This can help to enhance the followers' morale and loyalty, and to reduce their isolation and resentment.

- Providing emotional support and empathy: Followers need to feel valued and respected as human beings. A leader should show genuine care and concern for the followers' well-being and empathize with their feelings and emotions. A leader should also provide emotional support and guidance when the followers are going through difficult or stressful situations, such as personal or professional challenges. This can help to boost the followers' self-esteem and resilience, and to strengthen their relationship with the leader.

Another challenge of leadership is dealing with the emotional reactions of followers who may feel insecure or threatened by change. Followers are easily agitated because they have no foundation to rely upon. They lack a sharp vision of the future, a sense of purpose, and a set of values that guide their actions. They are prone to follow the crowd, the latest trend, or the loudest voice. They may resist or sabotage any initiative that challenges their comfort zone or requires them to adapt. 

A leader must be able to communicate effectively, inspire trust, and foster a culture of learning and growth among followers. A leader must also be able to manage their own emotions and avoid being influenced by the negativity or hostility of others. A leader must be confident, calm, and consistent in their decisions and actions. A leader is someone who provides guidance, direction, or influence on others.

Some of the benefits of being a leader are:

- You can set the vision, direction, and goals for yourself and others.

- You can inspire, motivate, and empower others to achieve their potential and perform their best.

- You can make decisions and take actions that affect the outcomes and impacts of your work or project.

- You can receive respect, trust, and authority from your followers and peers.

Leadership is not a trait that is given to a few, but a skill that can be learned by anyone. However, many people choose to follow rather than lead, because they are afraid of taking risks, making mistakes, or facing criticism. This is unfortunate because the world needs more leaders who can inspire, innovate, and solve problems. Leaders who can overcome their own fears and doubts, and who can empower others to do the same. Leaders who CREATE a vision and a path for themselves and their followers, instead of settling for the status quo. 

Some people are born to lead, not to follow. They have a vision that inspires others to join them in their journey. They have a passion that fuels their actions and motivates their teams. They have a purpose that transcends the ordinary and challenges the status quo. These are the leaders who thrive beyond the limitations of following and by helping followers to become LEADERS. They don't settle for mediocrity; they strive for excellence. They don't dictate, they empower. They don't compete, they collaborate. They are the leaders we need in this world.


Sedona, Arizona USA

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