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Exploring the Truth Behind 'I'm Fine': Understanding Mental Health and Well-being

Many people struggle with expressing their true feelings and emotions. They often resort to saying "I'm fine" or "I'm good" when someone asks them how they are doing, even if they are not. This is a common defense mechanism that the ego uses to protect itself from vulnerability and judgment.

The ego is the part of our personality that is concerned with our self-image and identity. It wants to maintain a positive and consistent impression of ourselves in front of others. It also wants to avoid pain, conflict, and criticism. Therefore, it often hides or denies the negative aspects of our reality, such as our fears, insecurities, doubts, and problems.


However, this will have a detrimental effect on our mental and emotional well-being. By suppressing our true feelings and emotions, we are not allowing ourselves to process them and heal from them. We are also not being authentic and honest with ourselves and others. We are creating a gap between who we are and who we pretend to be.


This gap causes us to feel disconnected, isolated, and unhappy. It also prevents us from seeking help and support when we need it. We may “think” that we have to deal with everything on our own, or that no one will understand or care about us. We may also feel guilty or ashamed of admitting that we are not okay.


The ego may seem like a friend that protects us from harm, but it is actually an enemy that keeps us in a state of suffering. It does not want us to grow, change, or evolve. It wants us to stay stuck in our comfort zone, where we avoid facing our challenges and opportunities.


The only way to overcome the ego is to become aware of it and challenge it. We need to recognize when we are lying to ourselves and others about how we are doing. We need to be brave enough to admit that we are not fine or good, and that we need help or support. We need to be willing to open up and share our feelings and emotions with someone we trust, such as a friend, family member, or life coach.


By doing so, we are not only being honest and authentic, but also compassionate and courageous. We are showing ourselves and others that we are human beings who have strengths and weaknesses, joys and sorrows, successes, and failures. We are also creating a space for healing, growth, and transformation.


We do not have to let the ego control our lives. We can choose to be true to ourselves and others. 


One of the benefits of being honest with us and others is that we can choose to say how we are really doing. Instead of hiding behind a mask of politeness or pretending that everything is fine, we can express our true feelings and needs. This WILL help us to connect more authentically with others, to receive support and empathy, and to feel more in control of our lives.



Sedona, Arizona USA

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