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Give or Take

How to Achieve Your Dreams by Choosing the Correct Path. 

We all have dreams and aspirations, but how do we achieve them? How do we make our lives meaningful and fulfilling? The answer lies in the path you choose to embark on. There are two paths in life: the path of giving and the path of taking. Each path has its own consequences and rewards, and each one leads to a different destination.

The path of taking is the path of ego, greed, and selfishness. It is the path that promises instant gratification, material wealth, and worldly success. It is the path that tempts you with shiny objects, flashy lifestyles, and superficial relationships. It is the path that makes you feel powerful, important, and superior.

But the path of taking is also the path of emptiness, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness. It is the path that never satisfies your true needs, desires, and values. This path always leaves you wanting more because nothing is ever enough. The taking path drains your energy, creativity, and joy. It is the path that isolates you from others, from your soul, and from the source of ALL life.

The path of giving is the path of love, generosity, and service, which offers lasting fulfillment, spiritual wealth, and authentic success. It is the path that inspires us with noble causes, meaningful missions, and deep connections. The giving path makes us feel grateful, joyful, and alive!

But the path of giving is also the path of challenge, sacrifice, and growth. It requires us to overcome our fears, doubts, and limitations. It is the path that demands us to share our gifts, talents, and resources with others. The giving path invites us to align our actions with our purpose, values, and vision. It is the path that connects us with others, with our soul, and with the source of ALL life.

The choice between these two paths is yours to make. You can choose to TAKE or to GIVE. You can choose to live for yourself or for others. You can choose to follow your ego or your soul.

The choice is not always easy or obvious. Sometimes we may be confused or misled by external influences or internal pressures. Sometimes we may be tempted or distracted by short-term rewards or immediate results and sometimes we may be afraid or reluctant to change or commit.

But if we want to achieve our dreams, we need to choose wisely and consistently. Choose the path that aligns with your true self and your highest potential. Choose the path that leads to happiness, fulfillment, and peace.

This choice should be simple, choose the path of giving, I promise you, your life will never be the same.



Sedona, Arizona USA

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