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Overcoming Frustration

One of the most common challenges that people face in their personal and professional lives is frustration. Frustration can arise from many sources, such as unmet expectations, unresolved conflicts, lack of control, or feeling stuck in a situation. Frustration can lead to negative emotions, such as anger, resentment, or anxiety, and affect our performance, relationships, and well-being.

How can we overcome frustration and turn it into a positive force for growth and change? The key is to become aware of our ego and how it influences our perception of reality. The ego is the part of our mind that identifies with our thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, and judgments. It is the part of us that wants to be right, to be superior, to be validated, and to be in control. The ego is a mind made falseness that resists change, that fears uncertainty, and that clings to the familiar.

The word ego comes from the Latin word for "I." It is the sense of self that we have developed since we were born. It is the result of our interactions with our environment, our family, our friends, our culture, and our society. It is the story that we tell ourselves about who we are, what we can do, what we deserve, and what we expect, multiple images that we project to others and to ourselves.

The ego is not our true self, true is soul and self is ego. True self is another confusion tactic the ego plays. Ego is a construct that we have created based on our past experiences, conditioning, and social influences. It is a filter that distorts our view of ourselves and others, the main source of suffering and conflict. When we are frustrated, it is because our ego is not getting what it wants or expects. It is because our ego is attached to a certain outcome or image that may not match reality. It is because our ego is resisting the present moment and what it offers.

To overcome frustration, we need to become aware of our ego and how it operates. We need to observe our thoughts and feelings without identifying with them or judging them. One way to do this is to practice mindfulness. 

1. Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to the present moment with curiosity and openness. 

2. Mindfulness helps us to notice what is happening in our mind and body without reacting or attaching to it. 

3. Mindfulness helps us to create some space between ourselves and our thoughts and feelings. 

4. Mindfulness helps us to see things as they are, not as we think they are.

We can practice mindfulness in various ways, such as meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, or simply being aware of our senses and surroundings. The more we practice mindfulness, the more we can observe our thoughts and feelings without being carried away by them. We can recognize that they are not facts, but interpretations. We can question our assumptions and expectations and see if they are realistic and helpful, accepting reality as it is, not as we wish it to be. We can let go of our attachment to outcomes and focus on the process instead, embracing change and uncertainty as opportunities for learning and growth.

By becoming aware of our ego and how it operates, we can free ourselves from its grip and influence. We can see things more clearly and objectively, responding from our soul rather than reacting from the ego’s first thought, choosing rather than resisting. We can create rather than destroy, overcoming frustration and transform it into motivation.

Are you beginning to see what The Pathway Sedona is all about? That’s correct, it's a cool program that helps you discover how awesome you are and how much you can do with your awareness. You see, we all have this thing called the ego that gets in the way of our happiness and peace. It makes us feel insecure, angry, jealous, or greedy, making life absolutely frustrating.  

It's like a bad habit that we need to break. The Pathway Sedona helps you break free from the ego and live from your true self. It's not a quick fix, though. It's a journey that takes patience and dedication. But trust me, it's worth it. The more you enjoy your stroll on the path of enlightenment, the more you'll feel joy, love, and harmony in your life. The ego is the only thing that holds you back. Let's get rid of it together!

I hope you are enjoying your Daily Dosage of Awareness! -Eddie

Sedona, Arizona USA

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