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The Egoic Illusion

The ego is a complex and delicate part of our psyche that constantly changes and adapts to different situations. It is the part of us that identifies with our roles, beliefs, deficiencies, and self-image. It is also the part of us that “despises and thrives” at the same time on pain, fear, and rejection.

The ego wants you to believe it is a reliable or trustworthy guide. Sometimes, the ego creates multiple personalities or sub-personalities that reflect distinct aspects of our past trauma, coping strategies, or unmet needs. These sub-personalities may have different names, voices, emotions, or behaviors. They also have different agendas or desires that conflict with each other or with our true self or our SOUL.

The ego does this for numerous reasons. One reason is to avoid facing the reality of our wounds and healing them. The ego prefers to keep us in a state of denial, distraction, or dissociation. Another reason is to gain approval, acceptance, or validation from others. The ego wants us to fit in, conform, or please others, even if it means sacrificing our authenticity or integrity of which the ego has none. A third reason is to maintain control, power, or security. The ego fears losing control, being vulnerable, or being hurt again.

The ego may also try to deceive us into thinking that it is our friend and ally. It may tell us that it knows what is best for us and that it can help us achieve happiness and success. It may also tell us that we need it to survive and function in the world. However, these are all lies that the ego tells us to keep us attached to it and dependent on it, to CONTOL our thoughts!

The truth is that the ego is not our friend. It is not our true self. It is not who we really are. The ego is a false self that limits our potential, blocks our growth, and prevents us from living fully and freely. The ego is the ONLY cause of suffering, and unhappiness.

The only way to free ourselves from the ego's influence and illusion is to become AWARE of it and detach from it. 

· We need to recognize the ego's tricks and traps and stop identifying with them.


· We need to question the ego's stories and beliefs and challenge them with reality. 

· We need to listen to the voice of our SOUL and follow it with courage and trust.

By doing this, we will transcend the ego and discover our true nature. We will heal our wounds and fulfill our needs in healthy ways. We will express our uniqueness and creativity without fear or shame. We will connect with others and the world with Love and Compassion.

This is the path of awakening and liberation from the ego, this is AWARENESS.

In summary:

The ego is a mental construct that constantly creates and modifies different aspects of our identity. It does this in response to the difficult and traumatic experiences that we face in life. It tries to protect itself (not us) from the pain and sorrow that it feels by adopting various masks and personas. It also deceives itself and believes that it is the true self, the one who knows what we want and how to live our lives. 

This is a dangerous and harmful deception that prevents us from discovering our authentic self and our UNLIMITED potential.


Sedona, Arizona USA

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